A wide shot of a neighbourhood. Some houses have solar panels attached to their roofs

Getting off gas: Free online sustainable home events with Renew

February 27, 2024
July 20, 2023

Sustainable not for profit, Renew, has developed free online resources and events to provide clear, accessible and practical advice to households on replacing gas with renewables.

What's it about?

These events are designed by Renew to guide you through your electrification journey and equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your appliances, all-electric homes, solar power, electric vehicles, batteries, and more! Sign up at the links below for free webinars in July and August.

Who is Renew

Renew Australia is a national, not-for-profit organisation that inspires, enables and advocates for people to live sustainably in their homes and communities. Established in 1980, Renew provides expert, independent advice on sustainable solutions for the home to households, government and industry.

Why attend?

By attending these events, you'll gain valuable insights into how you can reduce your carbon footprint, save energy, and contribute to a cleaner environment. Whether you're a homeowner, considering renewable energy options, or simply interested in sustainable living hacks, this is the perfect opportunity to empower yourself with knowledge and make a positive impact.

Event Dates:

How to participate?

These online events are completely free and open to everyone. You can book your place easily and find more resources that Renew has on offer. Get ready to learn, ask questions, and take a significant step towards a greener and more sustainable future!

Join us and Renew as we embark on this journey towards a gas-free future!

Book your spot now
and let's embrace renewables for a better tomorrow.

Birdseye view of a neighbourhood, some houses have solar panels

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