Bank Australia calculators

Bank Australia calculators can help you make plans and figure out budgets, taxes, repayments and more.

A man sits on a small circular desk, typing on a laptop. In front of him is a fireplace and a basket of wood

Budget planner

Use our online budget planner calculator to help manage your budget and work out where your money is going.

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Living expenses

Use our living expenses calculator to estimate your cost of living, including your annual expenses, income and savings.

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Home loan repayments

Calculate your loan repayments with our mortgage repayment calculator. Work out how much you'll repay on your home loan and for how long.

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Home loan borrowing power

Estimate how much you may be able to borrow with our home loan borrowing power calculator.

Go to home loan borrowing power calculator

Home loan comparison

Compare your home loan with one of ours using our home loan comparison calculator. See what the difference is when you vary options such as rates, terms and amounts.

Go to home loan comparison calculator

Home loan key fact sheet

Easily compare your home loan options.

Go to home loan key fact sheet calculator

Repayment comparison

Compare your loan repayments with our mortgage repayment calculator. Work out which loan may be most suitable for you.

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Use our refinance calculator to determine potential savings by moving your home loan.

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Stamp duty

Calculate how much stamp duty you will pay with our stamp duty calculator. Estimate your stamp duty based on your property's location, type and value.

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Personal loan repayments

Estimate how much you need to repay on your personal or car loan. Calculate how extra repayments could help you pay off your loan sooner.

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Savings accounts and term deposits

Calculate your return using our savings and term deposit calculator. See how hard your money can work with different amounts, terms and interest rates.

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Income tax

Work out how much income tax you need to pay using our income tax calculator. Estimate your tax based on your annual, monthly, fortnightly or weekly income.

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Personal loan borrowing power

Estimate how much you may be able to borrow with our personal loan borrowing power calculator.

Go to personal loan borrowing power calculator

Postcode tool

Use the postcode calculator to determine the maximum loan to value ratio (LVR) that applies to the property secured against your loan.

Go to postcode calculator

A person holding a phone with Bank Australia digital banking on the screen