Savings accounts that save in more ways than one

With Bank Australia savings accounts, your money is used as a force for good in the clean money movement. Open a savings account to get yourself set for whatever comes your way.

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Get started in less than 5 minutes - all you need is your smartphone and your Australian driver's licence or Australian passport.

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Person in a bright blue coat stands on a large fallen tree over a river, looking up at the lush green surrounding forest
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Screenshot of bank account activity menu in Bank Australia app.

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In support of people and the planet

Important information

General advice

Information provided is of a general nature only. In providing you with this information you should consider the appropriateness of this advice with regards to your particular financial situation and needs. You should consult the Product Disclosure Documents below and Target Market Determination before making a decision to apply for products with Bank Australia.

Terms, conditions, fees and charges may be applicable as outlined below.

Product disclosure documents

Account Access facility conditions of use

Deposit fees, charges and transaction limits

Summary of accounts

Savings accounts Target Market Determination