What is the High Life Expo?
“In inner Melbourne, 79% of our homes are medium and high density. People living in these homes are absolutely being left behind in terms of the energy transition,” says Kate Nicolazzo. Rather than wait for the problem to fix itself, Kate and the team at Let Me Be Frank founded High Life Expo – a sustainability info day aimed at anyone who lives in apartments or units.
“We've got really big goals in terms of electrification and renewable energy uptake in Australia,” explains Kate, director of Let Me Be Frank. “Yet there are a distinct lack of tailored programs aimed at apartment and unit living.” Additionally, residents of these spaces are more likely to be renters, on lower incomes or to come from culturally diverse backgrounds, adding extra layers of complexities and vulnerabilities. High Life Expo aims to bridge the divide between apartment and unit renters, owners, strata managers and the sustainability sector to share knowledge and come up with solutions.

What exactly happens at the High Life Expo?
Do you rent an apartment and want to see what green changes you can make? Perhaps you are a strata manager concerned with helping your clients switch their building from gas to electric? Or an apartment owner in need of home EV charging solutions? High Life Expo is for anyone involved with apartment and unit living keen to learn more about sustainability and resilience.
Taking place on Saturday June 1 in Melbourne, High Life Expo is an opportunity to hear from sustainability and strata experts, people who’ve renovated their apartments, and those completing owners corporation projects. Across the day, there will be six seminars covering everything from retrofitting apartments to removing gas or increasing year-round efficiency, creating powerful vertical communities, solar-solutions for vertical living and more.
Head here to check out the full range of seminars happening on the day.
Meet the experts
The expo will also include a supplier showcase – a chance for owners, renters, and rental providers to pick the minds of experts on all things sustainability. “We have people who offer actual energy solutions like window covers, insulation, solar and even EV charging,” says Kate, “and there are apartment communities who have started the journey who will be sharing their experiences.” Six Melbourne councils will also be in attendance to inform residents about programs they are currently offering in this space.

Empowering communities
“I think a lot of people who live in apartments or units don't realise what they can do,” says Kate. High Life Expo aims to help empower them to do more – and this includes rental providers. “I think most rental providers don’t want to be demonised and want to do the right thing,” says Kate. “With regulatory changes happening in this space, it is a great time for them to learn about how they can bring properties up to standard.” These conversations will be guided by groups like the Owners Corporation Network and Strata Community Association (Vic), who specialise in navigating strata solutions, along with Cohousing Australia.
High Life Expo is about bringing everyone involved in apartment living together to better understand the challenges facing all sides and to support real and tangible solutions. “Australia’s energy efficiency targets are getting much better,” says Kate. “But a lot of focus is going into new builds and new developments. The reality is that the vast majority of homes are already built, so focusing on retrofitting and renovating existing properties is critical. At the moment, there aren’t enough people having that conversation around apartments, and we need that to change. And these communities need support that’s fit for purpose.”
High Life Expo is happening Saturday June 1 at RACV City Club in Melbourne / Naarm. Tickets are free but registration is essential to attend. Head here to book your free ticket.