Person standing in a lush green forest looking towards a waterfall

Community customer grants

At Bank Australia we commit up to 4% of our annual after-tax profit to the Impact fund. And every year, we use part of our Impact Fund to offer our community customer grants program.

Our community customer grants are for our community customers – Australian organisations not individuals – who are creating change in areas that are important to our customers, such as sustainability and climate action, affordable and accessible housing, nature and biodiversity, and First Nations Recognition and Respect.

In 2024, our community customers had the opportunity to apply for grants up to $20,000. Our next grant round will open early April 2025.

In 2023 we supported 16 amazing organisations.


Our funding helped these grant recipients to scale up their impact and create a positive difference!

Asteria Services
Meet our 2024 recipients

What are the impact areas?

Our community customer grants support projects that have a positive impact in areas that are important to our customers:

Environmental impact areas

Supporting the humane treatment of animals

Taking action in Australia on climate mitigation, climate adaptation and climate justice

Protecting Australia's natural environment including flora and fauna

Social impact areas

Supporting increased independence, opportunity and equality for people with disability

Preventing family violence and/or supporting people who have been affected by family violence

Building unity and respect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and supporting their strengths

Supporting equality for all genders

Supporting equality and equal opportunity for people of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities

Supporting fair and humane treatment for refugees and people seeking asylum

Increased equality of education opportunities for all people in Australia

Economic impact areas

Supporting people in Australia to have access to housing that is affordable and meets their needs

Contributing to an economy that works for everybody in Australia

Frequently asked questions

When will the next grant round open?

Our community customer grants program runs annually. Our next grant round will open early April 2025.

What are the eligibility criteria?

Our grant program is for community customers who have held a Bank Australia account for at least 1 year at 30 June every funding year. For example, customers who open a Bank Australia product on or before 30 June 2024 can apply for a 2025 grant.

Applicants must be an organisation, such as a not-for-profit, community, school, volunteer or social enterprise with an ABN. Deductible gift recipient status is not required. Religious, political or commercial organisations are not eligible.

I am a personal customer of Bank Australia, but my employer is not a customer. Can my employer still apply for funding?

No. The organisation applying for funding needs to be the Bank Australia customer.

Can Bank Australia customers partner with other organisations to deliver a project?

Yes. The lead organisation on the project must be a Bank Australia customer, but that lead organisation is able to partner with other organisations (who may be customers or not).

Can I submit multiple applications for different projects at the same organisation?

No. Applicants can only submit one application per organisation each round.

Community customer grant recipients

Check out the full list of recipients, and the stories behind some of our previous customer grant recipients.