Bank Australia board and executive team

Bank Australia board and executive team

Bank Australia directors

As owners of Bank Australia, our customers elect directors to the board. So, our directors are directly accountable to all customers.

From time to time, the board may appoint independent directors who bring specialist knowledge, skills and experience to help the board to meet its responsibilities.

Steve Ferguson - Chair

Simon O'Connor

Helen Gluer

Anne-Marie O'Loghlin AM

Anthony Healy

Dr Marcus Thompson AM

Damien Walsh - Managing Director

Our executive team

Our executives are responsible for implementing the board’s strategy and achieving Bank Australia's purpose and aspiration.

Damien Walsh – Managing Director

John Yardley – Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Claire Varro - Chief Financial Officer

Patrick Ashkettle – Chief Risk Officer

Sonya Clancy AM – Chief Corporate Services Officer

Scott Wall - Chief Technology Officer

Steve Odgers - Chief Customer Officer

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