AGM 2019

The 2019 Annual General Meeting

A woman with a nose piercing holds her baby. The baby's t-shirt has text saying "The bank with clean money is the bank Australia needs." The mother wears a t-shirt with text saying "The bank that doesn't lend to the fossil fuel industry is the bank Australia needs."


The 62nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Bank Australia Limited will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2019.


Melbourne Museum Theatre Room - 11 Nicholson St, Carlton VIC 3053


Registration opens at 5:00pm; Annual General Meeting commences at 6:00pm

Join us from 5pm to meet some of our community customers who have received support from Bank Australia, including recipients of our Impact Fund. These customers will be on hand to talk about the work they do to benefit people and the planet.

The formal Annual General Meeting proceedings will commence from 6.00pm and will be followed by light refreshments, concluding by 8.00pm.


To RSVP your attendance please call 132 888 or email

If you cannot attend in person, highlights from the meeting will be recorded and posted on our website.

This event will be wheelchair accessible and AUSLAN interpreted. Please contact us if you have other access requirements so that we can ensure your participation in our event.

More information about CorpVote

CorpVote Pty Ltd is independently conducting this ballot process. CorpVote has been appointed to protect your privacy and ensure a fair and equitable ballot result. All votes submitted through their system are anonymous and the method by which you cast your vote is secure.

From 2 October, CorpVote may also send you reminder emails with details on how to vote.

For information about CorpVote please visit the following:


Voter Privacy:

If you have any issues call 132 888 or email


  1. Opening and apologies – Chair
  2. To note the Minutes of the 61st Annual General Meeting of Bank Australia Limited held on 19 November 2018
  3. Presentation – Chair
  4. Presentation – Managing Director
  5. To receive and consider the Financial Report, the Directors’ Report and the  Independent Auditors’ Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2019
  6. To re-appoint Gregory Camm as Director
  7. To consider and if thought fit, approve an ordinary resolution to determine the amount of non-executive Directors’ remuneration
  8. Close of official Annual General Meeting proceedings.

Refer to explanatory notes for agenda items 5 – 7.

Explanatory Notes to Resolution

Agenda Item 5 – Financial Reports

The Corporations Act 2001 requires the Financial Report, the Directors’ Report and the Independent Auditors’ Report of the Bank to be laid before the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders will be provided with an opportunity at the Annual General Meeting to ask questions in relation to these reports.

Agenda Item 5 – Financial Reports

The Corporations Act 2001 requires the Financial Report, the Directors’ Report and the Independent Auditors’ Report of the Bank to be laid before the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders will be provided with an opportunity at the Annual General Meeting to ask questions in relation to these reports.

Agenda Item 6 – Re-appointment of Director

The Board recommends the following ordinary resolution:

“That Gregory Camm be re-appointed as a Director of Bank Australia Limited.”

Directors of Bank Australia serve on a three-year rotational basis. Retiring Directors may stand for re-election if they are eligible for election. Director Gregory Camm retires by rotation this year and being eligible, declared he would stand for re-election.

In accordance with rule A3-7 (1) of the Company’s Constitution:

  • as the number of candidates equals the number of positions to be filled, the election process was discontinued
  • the general meeting is required to vote on the appointment of the candidate by passing a separate ordinary resolution at the Annual General Meeting.

Report of the Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is established by the Bank Australia Board in accordance with Appendix 3 Section A3-4(1) of the Company’s Constitution.

The Committee’s purpose is to assess the fitness and proprietary of potential candidates for the office of Director of the Company, in accordance with the Fit and Proper Policy and the Constitution.

The Chair of the Nominations Committee has provided the following report:

“The Committee resolved that Gregory Camm was found to be a fit and proper candidate for the office of Director of Bank Australia in accordance with the Fit and Proper Policy and Constitution.”

Christopher Lewis
Chair, Nominations Committee

Agenda Item 7 – non-executive Directors’ Remuneration

The Board recommends the following ordinary resolution:

“That the total sum of $615,034 (a 2.5% increase) per annum be paid on a pro rata basis to the seven non-executive Directors by way of fees and superannuation. The Directors may determine how the sum is to be apportioned among them and how and when it is to be paid. The said sum includes relevant taxes payable either by the bank or Directors.”

Please note the amount of $615,034 is for aggregate non-executive Directors’ remuneration and is not the amount paid to individual Directors. The sum represents an increase of $14,996 in aggregate or 2.5%.

Governance & Remuneration Committee

The Board has a Board Governance & Remuneration Committee and a Remuneration Policy that aligns remuneration and risk management.

Board remuneration is fixed and does not contain any variable performance based components to ensure alignment with prudent risk taking. Remuneration is designed to encourage behaviour that supports:

  1. the Bank’s long-term financial soundness
  2. the risk management framework of the Bank.

The Governance & Remuneration Committee has sought and considered advice from independent sources relating to remuneration of the Board of Directors within the finance industry generally and the customer owned banking sector specifically.

Maintaining competitive remuneration ensures the Bank is able to continue to attract talented Directors to undertake the corporate responsibilities of serving on the Board of a financial institution.

Have a question?

Customers are encouraged to raise questions prior to the Annual General Meeting via email to or write to the Company Secretary at Private Bag 12, Kew VIC 3101.

Consistent themes raised in questions will be addressed by the Chair or Managing Director during their presentations.

Get a copy of the 2019 Impact & Financial Report

Bank Australia’s Impact Report and Statutory Financial Report may be obtained from or inspected at any of the Bank’s branches or offices from 29 October 2019. The Impact Report and Statutory Financial Report can be found here.

A person holding a phone with Bank Australia digital banking on the screen