Responsible banking policy

At the heart of the clean money movement is our responsible banking policy. It reflects what’s important to our customers and continues to evolve – both through our approach to customer consultation and by keeping our eye on best practice across the world.
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Why we need responsible banking?

When you deposit money with a bank, it doesn’t just sit there – banks use it to make loans and investments.

When we make a loan (like a home loan) or make an investment (such as in social or green bonds) we seek to balance the needs of people and the planet and the need for the bank to generate profit - that’s how we act as a responsible bank in Australia. We’re customer owned, meaning our customers are our shareholders, and we act in their best interests. We use our customers’ money to create positive impact on their behalf. Profits are returned into the bank to benefit all customers and help address the issues they care about, like acting on climate change and creating a fair and just economy.

Our responsible banking policy includes screens for what we fund (positive screens) and what we don’t fund (negative screens) with your money. Our policy also informs the actions we take to help address the issues most important to our customers.

Together, we’re investing in the solutions.
Not the problems.

Some things we do invest in

What we don't invest in

Fossil fuels
Live animal export
Arms industry
Download our responsible banking policy
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