Ready to verify your identity? Start your online verification now.
What we need to verify your identity
Bank Australia is required to verify the identity of all new customers and signatories to an account.
You can speed up this process by having the following documents on hand:
- your current passport, or
- your current drivers licence, or
- your Medicare card.
Once you have completed the online form, your details will be sent securely to us. We will then contact you to confirm your identity has been verified.
Verifying your driver's licence card number
The card number on a driver licence (DL) is a mandatory verification field for issued licenses in all states. You will be required to input your driver licence card number to complete verification when opening an account or applying for a loan.
Is my card number different to a licence number?
Yes. Licence number is an existing requirement and is already mandatory when providing your licence as a form of ID. You need to provide both your card number and licence number from your driver's licence.
Where can I find my card number if my licence is from outside of Victoria?
The location of the card number field differs depending on what state your licence is issued in, to find out where your licence number will be located please see below.
Where can I find my card number for a Victorian licence?
Your card number will be on the back of your card, but may be in a different location depending on your situation:
- Top right corner
- Middle right section
- On the change of address label