Moving money

How do you move money around and are there daily transaction limits? Learn how long it takes (it’s fast) and see links to international transfers, cash and mobile payments.

A man is typing on his laptop while sitting on an armchair, the computer resting on his lap. A dog sits beside him

How to move money

These are the main ways you can do your banking:


Internet banking




Daily transaction limits

Find our daily transaction limits here.

Want to change your daily transaction limit?

Contact us to make a one-off or permanent change to your transaction limits.

How long does it take to transfer money?

To Bank Australia accounts in Australia

Transfers are processed immediately and are available straight away.

To other banks in Australia

Nowadays, many transfers between Australian banks happen using Osko – you'll see the symbol when you do your transfer. Osko payments typically transfer in less than a few minutes. 

Other payments (not Osko) are generally available on the next business day. Noting that if you make the payment after business hours, it could take an extra day (depending on the other bank’s processing times, too).

Keeping your accounts secure

Bank Australia has a fraud monitoring service, where potentially fraudulent payments made via OSKO, PayID or PayTo may be held for 24 hours. If this happens, you will receive an SMS from the Fraud Bureau to notify you that your transaction has been placed on hold. If you receive this SMS, please contact our Fraud Department on 1300 705 750 to remove the block on your account. If you have a payment being held, any following transfers and card transactions may also be blocked.

We will never ask you to click on any links in an SMS, unless you have initiated an ID verification request (and we will tell you to expect that SMS). We will also never request any login details, ask you to share a one-time password (OTP), or ask you in an SMS to call any number other than 1300 705 750.

If you are unsure whether an SMS is genuine, please call us at 132 888 or you can call the Fraud Bureau directly at 1300 705 750. All SMS messages relating to held payments will be sent from either +61 437 126 492 OR +61 489 988 024.

Mobile payments

To get started, add your new Bank Australia card details to the digital wallet on your mobile, smartwatch and other compatible wearables.

Read more about mobile payments.

International transfers

You can make an international transfer in the app and internet banking, or by calling us or visiting a branch. 

For transfers over $2,000, you must have the Symantec VIP app installed. You will also need to contact us

Bank Australia uses Western Union Business Solutions, a division of The Western Union Company, to receive and send international transfers. 

Depositing cash and cheques

You can deposit cash at any Bank Australia branch or Post Office using your Visa Debit card.

You can deposit cheques through Bank@Post.

Need help?

Send us a secure message in the app or internet banking  

Or call us

A person holding a phone with Bank Australia digital banking on the screen